
JVCC REF-S Engineering Grade Striped Reflective Tape: 2 in. x 50 yds. (Red with White Stripes)

Now Cheap : JVCC REF-S Engineering Grade Striped Reflective Tape: 2 in. x 50 yds. (Red with White Stripes)

You are looking for JVCC REF-S Engineering Grade Striped Reflective Tape: 2 in. x 50 yds. (Red with White Stripes) with help you save price? We currently have one of a kind deals for JVCC REF-S Engineering Grade Striped Reflective Tape: 2 in. x 50 yds. (Red with White Stripes). It is extremely affordable now.

Cheap Price Now! JVCC REF-S Engineering Grade Striped Reflective Tape: 2 in. x 50 yds. (Red with White Stripes) !!!

** Product Details : JVCC REF-S Engineering Grade Striped Reflective Tape: 2 in. x 50 yds. (Red with White Stripes)

  • Adhesive: acrylic
  • Backing/Carrier: polyester/vinyl
  • Release Liner: 80# poly-coated Kraft paper
  • Certifications: Federal specification No. LS-300C (Reflectivity 1, Class 1) and FP-85 (Type II)
  • Thickness: 6.8 mils (total)
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** JVCC REF-S Engineering Grade Striped Reflective Tape: 2 in. x 50 yds. (Red with White Stripes) - - Review by Noah

I got JVCC REF-S Engineering Grade Striped Reflective Tape: 2 in. x 50 yds. (Red with White Stripes) - item a day ago. It helped exactly as advertised. Very good item. User helpful to the time that I did not have to have to study any guidance to operate. Checked the distances with other product and appears to be to be very appropriate. Glad I made the get. I would suggest this unit to you.

Buy Now! JVCC REF-S Engineering Grade Striped Reflective Tape: 2 in. x 50 yds. (Red with White Stripes)